New Jersey Supreme Court Grants Petition for Certification | November 1, 2019

Government transparency is one of our core focus areas, and we have litigated hundreds of Open Public Records Act (OPRA) cases. We are pleased to report that the New Jersey Supreme Court has granted our client’s Petition for Certification in the matter Libertarians for Transparent Government v. New Jersey State Police.

The question before the court is: “Does Section 10 of the Open Public Records Act, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-10, require disclosure of the name of a state trooper listed in the Office of Professional Standard’s annual report to the Legislature as having been terminated for misconduct?”

We believe the answer is yes, and our argument relies on a 1991 decision by our very own Justice Gary S. Stein.

We blogged more about the case on our NJ OPRA Blog.